

RiseUP's concerts and musicians help you touch the deeper layers within yourself. The inner research is moved by the body and the sounds made by our live musicians.

From exciting to slowing down and subtle, everything comes along at this festival to assist you in what is needed at that moment. The concerts provide support for your process.


The strength of the RiseUP festival is the special and varied workshop offering. Every year we select the most prominent and transformative workshop providers from the conscious field. The first names are known, we present them below. The full program will follow soon, so keep an eye on the website!


This year the theme of the festival is Enchant the world. The day program consists of three parts: enchant yourself in the morning workshops, enchant each other in the afternoon workshops and enjoy the enchantment together in the evening program. The festival supports you on your path to sustainable development, well-being and harmony. It is a source of inspiration and meeting place, where everything revolves around connection with yourself, others and nature.

In addition to the relaxed atmosphere and all the fun, you can choose from several workshop activities every day that can mean something for your (daily) life.

The festival is designed in such a way that you have space to discover essential parts of yourself.

Izadorä for RiseUP 2024



Tribali is ready for RiseUP


eclectische fusie van genres

Adrian Atma looking forward to RiseUP 2024

Adrian Atma

An orchestra in one body

DJ Isis ready for Rise•UP

DJ Isis

Wereldtopper uit NL!

DJ Bravon

Morning Dance DJ
DJade celebrating RiseUP


Ecstatic Dance DJ

Mozes Meijer

bundelt verschillende invloeden op elektronische wijze
Elise & Charlie performing

DJ QatWeazle

Ecstatic Dance DJ

Wouter Schueler looking forward to RiseUP

Wouter Schueler

Intuïtieve meditatieve muziek

Esta Polysesta is ready for a party at RiseUP 2024

Esta Polyesta

Wereldmuziek met beats

Wolf Heart Sisters looking forward to RiseUP

Wolf Heart Sisters

Conscious Pop, Medicine Music

 Shaz & the Medicine man looking forward to Rise•UP

Shaz & the Medicine man

Ceremonies en tradities

Manja Gruson looking forward to Rise•UP

Zasja Heijligers

Interactief zingen

Roy Groeneveld

Percussionist, Leadership trainer & coach 

Coosje Knape

Multidimensionaal womb-healer, (re-)activator of Divine Feminine codes, sacred ceremonies

Joy (Ajoyment)

Yoga, Ademwerk & Energiewerk

Marnix de Stigter

 Satsang, Kundalini Awakening 

Merijn Boulogne

 Satsang, Kundalini Awakening 

Afke Reijenga

 Tantrica en Yoga docent

Ava Tamar

Intimacy coach, Tantra facilitator and body worker

Ava Tamar & Hero

Intimiteitscoach, Tantra-facilitator en lichaamswerker

Tjeerd Buis for RiseUP 2024

Tjeerd Buis

Wim Hof instructeur
Floris Koot saluting Rise•UP

Floris Koot

Lichtvoetig spel

Rakesh & Elfriede guiding Rise•UP into Tantric Dance

Rakesh & Elfriede

Avondopeningen en Tantra workshops

Rakesh & Elfriede guiding Rise•UP into Tantric Dance

Rakesh Mijling

Bewustzijn belichamen

Timothy Flohr kijkt uit naar Rise•UP

Timothy Flohr

Kids workshops

Coen Boot is ready for Rise•UP

Coen Boot

Impro Theater

Dieke Bikker is ready for RiseUP 2024

Dieke Bikker

Leven is alchemie
Anna Fernhout for RiseUP 2024

Anna Fernhout

Bahar Farshchi Jamshidabady looking forward to RiseUP 2024

Bahar Farshchi Jamshidabady

Ruimte voor transformatie
Frederik Xensy en Jarina Mahina kijken uit naar Rise•UP

Freddy Xensy en Jarina Mahina

De kracht van het vuur
Elena is ready for RiseUP 2024

Elena Teixidor

lover of energy and frequency work

Keola Genevieve is looking forward to RiseUp

Keola Genevieve

Dans & movements
Joy Post voor RiseUp

Joy Post

Speelse yoga
Sandy Litjens is ready for RiseUP 2024

Sandy Litjens

Tantric Dance
Dirkje Veltman

Dirkje Veltman

Dao & Seksuele kung fu
Willemijn van Duinen kijkt uit naar RiseUP

Willemijn van Duinen

Energie alchemist

Zij houdt van de onzichtbare wereld. Maar heel erg van de Aarde. Bruggen bouwen tussen werelden in. Buiten zijn en leven. Mama zijn. Energie Alchemie. Zijn haar grootste passies. Mensen weer dichtbij hun ziel brengen. En ook het lichaam. Mensen ondersteunen om de gekozen beschermdelen, angsten en de kracht daarachter te laten smelten, te verzachten en terug te keren naar huis. Zij voelt de ander haarfijn aan. Haar helderziendheid is helder. Haar kanaal puur. Haar kracht zachte verfijnde boodschappen mee geven. Van hoofd naar het hart zakken. Zij gelooft dat jij de kracht bezit om deze wereld tot een nog mooiere plek te laten bloeien. Voor de generaties na ons.




Welcome to your own body. Breathing in life. Receiving love. Softly relaxing your pelvis. Feeling your peace and serenity here. And taking up your space. Receiving gentleness for yourself and your body. Sinking from your center beyond the stories. And releasing what is ready to be let go. In this workshop & women's circle, we will explore the energy of the womb together. Feeling the power of your pelvis and making space for your strength. Feeling safe in deep intimacy with yourself. Reopening the flowing river in your body.




Iris van der Sar

Iris van der Sar

Uiten door beweging en andere vormen van kunst
Dick Sinnige RiseUp

Dick Sinnige

Lachmeditatie en meer
Baukje Fortuijn

Baukje Fortuijn

CREF methode & paarden
Lonneke Zintel for RiseUP

Lonneke Zintel

The Feminine way 
Hylke Bonnema making Namasté at Rise•UP

Hylke Bonnema


Marlies Westra

Marlies Westra

Yoga lessons

Hanna'floor de Roos is looking forward to RiseUp

Hanna'floor de Roos

Muzikaal Verteltheater
Keola Genevieve is looking forward to RiseUp

Keola Genevieve

Dans & movements
Kids @ Rise•UP


Eigen plekken, eigen programma

Lieke Winkler Prins is looking forward to RiseUP 2024

Lieke Winkler Prins

Tibetaanse Reiki

Marcel Mourik

Integratieve massage
Daniël Dudink is looking forward to RiseUP

Daniël Dudink

Multidimensionale sessies
Essie Moqui for RiseUP 2024

Essie Moqui

Intuïtief bewustzijnscoach
Laya is ready for RiseUP 2024


De-armouring, tantra massage
Keola Genevieve is looking forward to RiseUp

Keola Genevieve

Dans & movements
Minou de Leeuw at the Rise•UP festival


relaties en persoonlijke ontwikkeling
Peter Amiro at the Rise•UP festival

Peter Amiro

Share & Shine
Sabien Rodencah at the Rise•UP festival

Anita de Loos

De stilte delen

Willemijn Bessem

Meditatie, intimiteit en mediumschap


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Festival Location

Icon Locatie Icon Locatie Kasteel De Berckt, De Berckt 1
5991 PD Baarlo 
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