Floris Koot saluting Rise•UP

Floris Koot

Hij speelt met paradoxen en methoden. Hij is heel serieus over de kracht van spel.

Hij gelooft in Ubuntu, 'ik ben omdat wij zijn'.

Hij graaft naar essentie en speel met mogelijkheden.

Hij werkt intuïtief en heeft een plan.

Hij kiest scherp en zegt sorry als hij ernaast zit.

Hij benoemt wat hij ziet, maar (ver)oordeeld niet.

Hij presenteert lichtvoetig met een diepe boodschap.


Hij is altijd blijven spelen met mogelijkheden. Stelt vragen die weinig anderen durven of kunnen stellen.  Werkt op dynamische stijl met groepen.


Ignite your creative intuitive soul and connect to your inner wisdom playfully in this workshop. Your Creative Soul Knows. Learn to listen and let it flow; your entire being holds vast knowledge beyond conscious thoughts. Play is nature's way of learning, often lost in adulthood due to past traumas. Liberation from these barriers can occur through various methods like therapy and meditation, but also through play.

Pure play has dual facets crucial for growth: it liberates from judgment and deepens connections to the collective. By embracing Wu-Wei, we find not only freedom but also meaningful, impactful play.

Explore playful liberation in this workshop without expectations of self-improvement—simply enjoy and be surprised. End with a touch of magic. (Workshop in Dutch for Dutch participants.) Dress comfortably and bring a pen.


Given by Bahar Farshchi and Floris Koot.
What wisdom emerges in a collective dance? What do we tell ourselves, discover about our contribution to the world, and have to share? In dance, we encounter ourselves and others, bumping into boundaries and learning to play with them in collaboration. Various forms of contribution and expression fill the space, and dancers can collectively create energy, fire each other up, and share energy. The Collective Wisdom Dance combines constellation work and ecstatic dancing, enhancing our intuitive wisdom and deepening our relationship with the whole through our bodies. This workshop explores your individual contribution to the collective and reflects on insights that arise from it. What does your contribution say about the whole, and what does the coherence of the group reveal? We delve into what our bodies teach us about society and how we can use bodily insight to enrich the whole while in action.



How nature invented learning, the gentle revolution | Floris Koot | TEDxArnhem





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Festival Location

Icon Locatie Icon Locatie Kasteel De Berckt, De Berckt 1
5991 PD Baarlo 
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