Timothy Flohr kijkt uit naar Rise•UP

Active meditation for youth

(For youth aged 13 – 21)

This workshop introduces various (mostly active) meditation forms, aiming to explore different techniques and discover what resonates best with you.


The workshop begins with an active warm-up. Participants then get acquainted with qi gong, tai chi, yoga, and various breathing techniques.

In addition to meditation exercises, participants learn practical applications, such as:

  • Using soft Chi (energy flow) in martial arts.
  • Utilizing specific breathing techniques to cope with stress at school or improve sleep.
  • Experiencing yoga not just as flexibility exercises but also as a valuable tool for daily life.

The workshop is ideal for youth who have little to no experience with meditation.


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Festival Locatie

Icon Locatie Icon Locatie Kasteel De Berckt, De Berckt 1
5991 PD Baarlo 
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